Reflections from a series of four residencies completed by Micheál O'Connell at Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre in 2021 and 2022 to create new work in response to an Arts Council Commissions Award granted in 2020. Initially the work forms a solo exhibition, 'System Interference', which opened at Uillinn on 17th Sep. 2022, and will then, thanks to Touring and Dissemination funding, travel to Wexford Arts Centre (from Aug. 2023) and Highlanes Gallery, Drogheda (opening Nov. 2023).
Saturday, April 23, 2022
Residency 3, Day 15: 'People say "go with the flow" but do you know what goes with the flow? Dead fish.' - Roy Keane
Friday, April 22, 2022
Residency 3, Day 14: 'I’m not a humanitarian, I’m a hell-raiser.' - Mother Jones (Mary Harris)
Everything packed up:
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Residency 3, Day 13: 'Bihouix skilfully goes against the grain to argue that "high" technology will not solve global problems' - Paul Granjon referencing writing of Philippe Bihouix
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Residency 3, Day 12: 'Polished, 5,500-Year-Old Stone Balls Found in Neolithic Scottish Tomb' - Livia Gershon, the Smithsonian
Just been listing works produced for these commissions, and thinking about where to put them:
- Messy or ordered?
- Minimalist or maximalist / Use of space?
- Need to justify the presence of less-connected ones (other than because I am drawn to their unusual forms)?
- Whether to take a 'Please do not touch the artworks' or opposite approach?
- (Appropriate) barriers around pieces or not?
- Suitable for children or not?
- Tension between intimidating/unpleasant affects and seductive ones.
- To display exchanges with 'partners' etc.
- Wit to be subtracted or added?
- Subtraction generally. Have I got the guts to subtract?
- What about feedback, surveillance, 'digital' and systems aspects?
- The writing and how to disseminate:
- audio?
- NFT?
- treasure hunt?
- pdf?
- booklet (quality)?
- booklet POD?
- Make an open call or not
- Organise a panel discussion or debate with main political parties (in process)?
- Organise a suitable social event?
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Residency 3, Day 11: 'Duchampian deflation stands not simply as a negation of the status of painting, but as an actual extension of the artist’s skills and competences.' - John Roberts
From Mike Stoakes about the work pictured here:
'... firstly I enjoyed it as a political image of land, ownership and shelter - the occupation of space in its socioeconomic aspect.. the photos are most eloquent about this being at the same time aesthetically pleasing as modulations of green (across image and text). if that seems to me to be the essential framework directly represented and embodied by images and objects as the work might be realised in an artworld context it's interesting to think how images in that arena are often connected in order to be valorised by their insertion into an artworld historical narrative which in some ways is impossible to escape from. in this case you could think of robert morris' comment that canvas should be left to awning and tent makers as well as tracy emin's tent. a tent full of balls reminds me of jasper johns' painting with two balls. however another aspect is the affective one of thinking of the sensation of lying on golf balls which brings to mind things like man ray's cadeau - an iron with nails - or meret oppenheim's furry teacup - even though your work is about dispossession of the space of shelter.'
- Painterly approaches as applied to non-painting practices.
- The question of skill and de-skilling, not forgetting one of my fave art books, John Robert's The Intangibilities of Form: Skill and Deskilling in Art after the Readymade https://www.amazon.com/Intangibilities-Form-Skill-Deskilling-Readymade/dp/1844671674
- Pretentiousness again. I have discussed (with myself and in pubs and cafés) many times, but the word's lazy use to describe materials the person saying it simply does not 'get', still grates. And why would they expect to get it? Forgivable in someone new to the game.
- Figuration, whatever that might mean.
- Work or ideas, or the minds they emanated from, being referred to as 'mad' when they are not. The use is meant lightly at times, but think of the conscious derogatory depicting of Irish and Polish people as foolish or mad historically, {which had its origins I suspect, in the increased rebelliousness of the former, from the late eighteenth century onwards especially, and, in the case of the latter, that period of almost-democratic, or at least more enlightened, feudal order way back in Poland's history.}
Monday, April 18, 2022
Sunday, April 17, 2022
Residency 3, Day 09: 'Work taken home, or even work taken to the beach, remains work.' Caroline Bassett (2007)
Residency 3, Day 08: 'Intuition (or insight) is no magical searchlight' - Margaret Boden
I forgot to update this blog yesterday. Once again it was not an unproductive day but frustrating, for reasons of some necessary bureaucracy that had to be dealt with. On the other hand it might be pleasing to overly engage with all the managerial tasks, that these commissions, and work connected with the exhibition in September, entail. A highly detailed Gantt Chart is in order maybe, with applications of ye olde Critical Path Method (CPM) and/or that Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), or whatever is fashionable now. I could even simulate the bloody thing. God!
Friday, April 15, 2022
Residency 3, Day 07: 'An artist can show things that other people are terrified of expressing.' - Louise Bourgeois
Today was not so much unproductive, as resulting in me not doing what was intended - Barry Brothers was closed :( - and, instead, taking other initiatives. I reviewed this beautiful little beach/bay: https://goo.gl/maps/3cBzbA5DjwU68fwo7, acted upon a problem with the plug-timer mechanism I have been creating, spoke to a TD about a potential debate on environmental questions to coincide with the show in September, received quite a bit of feedback about the cheeky little film I am sharing until Monday, and so on, and so forth...
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Residency 3, Day 5: 'Toys are not innocent.' - Chris Burden
'I still collect toys. Toys are a reflection of society. They are the tools that society uses to teach and enculturate children into the adult world. Toys are not innocent.' said the great Chris Burden.
No time to do a proper post today. In the midst of a talk on cybernetics. Had to drive a bit today. Two days ago went to visit potential car supply place. That was good. Thinking about what is necessary. Thinking about the costs. Had bought toy cars too. Might use them.
Ann Davoren had sent me interesting material about Mexican artist Jorge Satorre who worked out of the West Cork Arts Centre a few years ago. He, for example, did a census of all the dead cars on Sherkin Island.
Phenomenal copycat artist Eric Doeringer posted this clip of a famous Chris Burden work earlier: https://www.instagram.com/p/CcPMyORLSm_/. More on that:
I passed these beauties earlier:

Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Residency 3, Day 4: 'The crowd particularly likes destroying houses and objects: breakable objects like window panes, mirrors, pictures and crockery' - Elias Canetti
Conducted more chats with people today, in between other work, including with top artists Tomasz Madayzcjak, Ayelet Lalor, Michele Horrigan, Mick Holly and Sean Lynch, companies I consider myself to be partnering with, Thornhill Electrical and Barry Brothers, and people at the laundrette in what was once a petrol station.
- Making,
- Escapism, and
- Beauty,
- Representation.
This is old stuff but worth remembering.
I programmed the timers for the IWTs and got the sequence working. The plug, adaptor sequence itself amounts to a piece. A potential title is The Internet of Nothings.
Thinking out loud: If ‘creativity’ is to mean anything, existing bodies of knowledge constitute its arch enemy. In other words, anti-intellectual tones are not always reactionary. Breakthroughs arising from kinds of deliberate ignorance may play off prevailing canons, and eventually will be incorporated into them, but creativity is impossible without what, at first, presenting itself as ‘stupid’. Hence the tension for ‘art as research’, and for what is often termed ‘creative practice’, within academic realms.
Extending this thinking further, other normalising forces are at play. The stress on collaboration, collectives, group work, the fresh undermining of notions of authorship, in art contexts, in recent years may have its drawbacks. Standard understandings are contained also in the minds of others. Controlling and extreme conservative tendencies, variations of the much feared ‘mob rule’, are surely also inherent to any social situation, including today's socially engaged and participatory practices. However unfashionable it is to state: the individual and individualism matters.
Monday, April 11, 2022
Residency 3, Day 3: 'I construct, develop and understand my way to new work through the physical activity of making.' - Amanda Coogan
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Residency 3, Day 2: 'the whole world enters, and others besides the conflict, the scandal, the virus the noise.' - Sarah Kember
New 40 second simupoem, entitled RESERECTION, screening on Friday, to a limited number. Free (obv.): https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/reserection-online-and-off-screening-tickets-307887569007
Saturday, April 9, 2022
Residency 3, Day 1: 'So far as we feel sympathy, we feel we are not accomplices to what caused the suffering.' - Susan Sontag
I saw this, this very morning:
and then found the location online, and the Street View images from 2009:
At least I think it's the same car.
Unfortunately the Citroen Picasso (see https://uillinn-mocksim.blogspot.com/2021/07/residency-2-day-15-art-isnt-only-social.html), I had my eye on, to exhibit in September, has been bought by a mysterious other party. Now I'm looking into alternatives, for example bailed scrap cars, and miniature toy cars. Am keen on pursuing this and am not sure where it will end up exactly. Cars are handy, most would agree, but they are also an accepted form of extreme violence, in our midst. Some driving is necessary, driving has its charms too, but so does heroin (I am told). Background material on artists using cars: https://uillinn-mocksim.blogspot.com/2021/07/residency-2-day-9-i-am-interested-in.html.
Installed myself in the studio today. There isn't much to say. Met a load of familiar and some new faces. conducted a number of both short and medium-length intense conversations. Saw some very fine work installed and on display by Michael Holly in one gallery and Tomasz Madajczak in another. Very helpful discussions were had, and actual live experiments were carried out, at Thornhill Electrical of Skibbereen, whom I now consider myself to be partnering with. Purchases resulted. Bought some crayons as well. Later I began 'programming' my joke Internet of Things' (IoT)/ stupid devices, which are always better:
Add the 'Id' to IoT and you get Idiot.
Friday, April 8, 2022
'It is possible to be too concerned about oneself.' - Adam Phillips
Tomorrow I begin the third of four residencies at @UILLINNwestcorkarts which runs to 23rd April. The plan is to resolve commissions kindly supported by @ArtsCouncilIreland. Work is being carried out in preparation for an exhibition which will open at West Cork Arts Centre on September 17th and then travel to https://HighLanes.ie/ Drogheda in 2023 and https://www.WEXFORDartscentre.ie/ in 2024, thanks to a touring and dissemination award also granted.
Activity, thoughts, whatever will be logged daily here. Drop in, email (m@mocksim.org) or message.
And, sign up for this exclusive 40 second looping film screening on 15th April: www.eventbrite.ie/e/mocksim-screening-15th-april-tickets-307887569007